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Unkown Stain

A member registered Jan 07, 2023

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Hey Solo! I thought I'd give you a heads up that I had that problem and after trying the command you had put and trying it over and over again with different variations and it still not working, I took to google and found out you made a typo. You swapped the r and the c in -rc. [xattr -rc] is what worked for me.

I tried clicking and dragging and it doesn't turn the camera.

I see the 360 camera icon pop up when I switch to specific cams but when I click on the icon nothing happens if that's what you meant.

How do you use the 360 camera in the scenes? I hold left click, right click, or middle mouse button and also tried wasd or arrow keys and nothing seems to move the camera. Great game though! I love the comedy and difficulty of the game.